Thursday, December 3, 2009

Shot hazzard

Hey, here's an update that doesn't have anything to do with improv at all except for the mentioning of it in this sentence...
So, I went to church today to take care of the sign out front I've been taking care of since late September I think. This is not a weekly thing all the time but I still need to check every week. But today, at the south west corner of the bushes that the sign is between, there was an open needled surenge. I mentioned it to the office worker there I think mainly as a witness. She picked it up and said it looked like one for an inselin shot.
Frankly, I didn't care how or why it was there or what it was used for. I didn't like that it was an open needle (no covering I mean), lying around and almost hiding in the grass, and could easily be fallen onto/stepped on by some child who happened to be out playing. Should they be playing that close to the street? Probably not, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't. I know, because when I was younger, I had no fear. I rode my scooter (they used to be bigger and wider if you remember) down my street which sloped down towards the street of Lamar in Mission, KS. I lived 5 or 6 houses up the street then and the street was not even half a block from a major street.
Anyway, I just didn't like that the syrenge (or however it's spelled) was there in the first place.

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