Monday, December 14, 2009

Offically a college graduate...Officially

Weekend update going back to Friday:
Okay, well Friday night, I was in the tech booth for Coma Chamilion and then I was in the audience for Dictionary Soup. This was Keith Curtis's return to The Roving Imp since 1)Imp Fest and 2)the birth of his baby girl somewhere around a month ago.

SIDE NOTE: I was reading Jenifer Harmon's blog update about working tech for Anomoly Orange and I was inspired to write a blog update about working tech at the Roving Imp based upon my own personal expierence. Look for this someday hopefully this week.

Anyway, in Coma Chamilion, the animal was an Austrailian ant eater that's a mamal but leaghs eggs. The Coma part had Nifer in a coma because she was hit in the head with a lead pipe. My choice to black out on Chamilion was when they had become ants again and they were all on stage talking about odd things to their species as ants...which was done early on for them as ant eaters. As the person running the lights, it had gone full circle. In Coma, I dim the lights back and forth. I had problems a few times. But other than that, they worked out for the most part.
In Dictionary Soup, Tom Kessler and I put in most of the suggestions that were pulled in the first half. There were a few that were not ours but we had most of them...which took care of all of the first half. In the second half, there was a friend of Julie's who got to pick the word.
By the way, let me say (possably once again) that Dictionary Soup and Biblioclast are tied as my favorite shows...but in voting, I put Dictionary Soup first. Dictionary Soup was the first show to make anyone laugh and cry in one show. John and Keith are able to connect on an emotional level with eachother in a way that makes me jelious as an improvisor. There was a show once in which one of them was a charicter that gets inside the other and comes out as poop. And they still had humanly realisitic emotional connections with eachother as human and poop.
Anyway, after the shows, a few of us stayed around and watched Muppets Christmas Carol for Biblioclast Saturday night.

Saturday: For starters, I shave for the first time in about 2 weeks. Then, I went on out to the Imp for workshop. We got to play Let's Get Stupid again. I had asked John to keep an eye on my YES...ANDing because I tend to get logical with my anding every now and then. I've been afraid to start anding for a while. Now, I've learned to try it because usually my anding's turn out to be fun. Every now and then, I tend to throw logic in to my and's. However, one scene I was in with Nifer involved TV shows. She started as saying she was watching Dharma and Greg and that our lives were like theirs. Then we sprouted off TV shows. (I need to watch more TV shows by the way). Anyway, we went next door to Red Fortune and then came back and got ready for shows. I was in the audience for both shows. The first was Anomoly Orange's last show at the Roving Imp for this decade...presenting their new long form: The Office. Then 9pm was Biblioclast.
The Office was a long form that Jessica Robins came up with. My personal opinion was that it was like a Shakespearien Romantic Comedy for the modern day. It wasn't as long, nor did it have any cross dressing. But it did have other Shakespearien comedy mistaken identaty/ideas and a confused love interest that doesn't know how to manifest itself until a lot of quibbeling (done half way through in stead of at the end though) and a fool...who was actually a news anchor for Fox News. It was the first one publically shown so I'm not sure how the format works on a show to show bases. But I'm interested in seeing how.
Biblioclast, which is second only when the shows have to be numbered in a survey but otherwise too close to Dictionary Soup to not be a tie in my opinion of shows, started with the magnetic board. about 3/7 of the ideas there were mine. Then in the 2nd half, was the main show and then the drawed suggestion was Dodgeball for next month. By the way, this wasn't my suggestion. I wouldn't want to put them through that torture.
Anyway, after shows, we played the Extreame Edition of The Game of Life.

Sunday: I didn't go to Nifer's class today. Instead, I went with my mom and grandma up to Lawrence to walk across the stage and be like hey, I graduated. My sister was there with her youngest son and my friend Zach was there as well. I was feeling really down about it. And by down, I mean in a "it wouldn't be that big of a deal if I died in a horindeous car accident" type of down. That actually all changed becuase after I got signed in, I got a call from a certain someone...randomly...wanting to congradulate me and talk about meeting up sometime. We weren't able to talk long because of time and what not. But it did change my outlook.
Anyway, the ceramony lasted about an hour. Then my grandma, mom and I got dinner and came home.
That was my weekend.

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