Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rightiouson Disease

I had Rightiouson's Disease tonight during improv class. I can't remember which scene it got mentioned but the scene wound up having me getting very movey with my head and neck and jerking a lot and I said I had Rightiouson's Disease. As I said it, I was thinking of the disease that Michael J. Fox has but I couldn't think of the name...actually, I had two ideas of the name in mind. I didn't want to say the "wrong" disease. So instead, I made of a disease that doesn't exist. This offered me freedom in two ways. The first way was that, since it sounds like the name of a disease that could exist but just simply doesn't, I got freedom to do whatever with it. (Eventually, it got me...in another scene...up on a block doing a two step while windmilling my arms like a member of The Who on guitar while still jerking most of my body). The second freedom it allowed me was not exactly improv related, but gave me something that wouldn't offend anyone in the audience if it were a show.
The improv take on offence...at least what I've been told...the best idea is to not go out of your way to offend people...and if you're going to do so, play the heck out of the offensive thing. If you're playing a charicter in an improv scene who's a total racist, play that racist to the fullest...you're not making fun of the race that the racist is making fun of, you're making fun of the racist himself. And don't do it apolgetically...the audience can tell that you're not the offensive one if you over play the one who is being offensive to the max.
This is how I interprated how it's been told to me.
Anyway, for the portion in which we got out challenge, I was given the challenge to do a celebraty impersonation and make it real...not make the celebraty real but to play them as a real character. I didn't do it well but I tried for Christopher Walken...mainly because I've never played him before.

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