Thursday, October 22, 2009

A number of things

I have a number of things I want to say. This is maybe why I don't update a lot because I want to say a lot but that leaves the blog update looking scatter-brained. So, I will number the things I want to talk about so they at least look neat.

1) The ImpFest starts tomorrow at the Roving Imp at 115 Oak Street in Bonner Springs, KS. In fact, it starts tomorrow (well, I guess technically, it's today now) at 8pm. It's going to be Anomaly Orange, Tantrum, TrivProv, Spite. There will be 2 groups of shows at 7 & 9 (when I say group here, I mean time slot...the 4 groups I just mentioned for Thursday night is 1 group of shows by my counting). Friday at 9pm and Saturday at 7 and 9pm, I'll be working the light and sound booth...except for a few shows...I'm thinking Tantrum and Brownies Don't Lie.
What I'm worried about is that a friend asked me to give him a ride to the Saturday show Monday night after it was too late to financially researve a seat from John for my friend. I didn't think to ask him because he's told me before he couldn't come to my shows because he couldn't afford them and they're $6. The shows for ImpFest run from $9-$12 for a specific group of shows to $35 for the whole thing. And there were some issues between this friend and another friend of mine that apparently have all been settled now. News to me by the way. Anyway, if I'm lucky, I can maybe pay for my friend to be able to get in so it's not cutting it too close.

2) I got my flu shot on Tuesday. It's not a total big deal that I got my flu shot since I get it every year. But I had to go to the CVS pharmacy store on 75th and Metcalf. This was the last pharmacy in the area to still have the flu shot and they were running out. If I didn't get it Tuesday, I wouldn't be able to get it until late November...from anywhere. This is for the regular flu, not the swine flu...also known as H1N1.

3) The drama department at the high school I went to is putting on RENT (The School Edition) the Musical this weekend. I was thinking about seeing it...Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday. I won't get to because I lost track of my time and I'm busy the rest of the weekend...what with seeing and working the ImpFest and all. Anyway, I found out within the last 2 days or so that Fred Phelps is going to the high school to protest them. For those lucky enough to not be in the know, Fred Phelps is the preacher (i.e. "Man of God") who goes around blaming God for everything from Columbine to 9/11 to the Virginia Tech shooting to what not and even protesting the funerals of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and the children shot in the schools all because of his dumb-ass "God hates fags" agenda. When someone on facebook talked about go to the school and asking if anyone wanted to join him and hold sings while standing next to Fred Phelps that say "I'm With Stupid". I commented that I'd like to have a sign that says "LOOK, WE GET IT, YOUR SON IS GAY AND YOU DON'T LIKE IT AND YOU WANT TO BLAME GOD FOR EVERYTHING LIKE THE SELF-RIGHTOUS BASTARD YOU ARE!" Then the back will say, "MOVE THE F**K ON WITH YOUR LIFE!" I know that that is something that would be a really large sign. But in total honesty, it has to be said.

That's all I have for tonight/this morning. I'm sorry I can't seem to get anything that I can post before midnight.

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