Tuesday, October 27, 2009

End Of The World

So, my Monday night improv class will be heald Tuesday night instead. That's fine. If it were held tonight, it would be overwith now. Anyway, this Friday and Saturday, I'll be in 3 shows. The first is Robot Parade at 7pm on Friday. That's the Monday night class show. The second is the Arnold. That's the Saturday afternoon class show and it will be at 7pm. My third show will be Game Show. It's gone away for a while since before I started improv. But it's coming back. This Saturday, it's Match Game. All 3 shows are at the Roving Imp.

I wish I could be in more 9pm shows at the Roving Imp. It's not that there is anything wrong with 7pm shows. It's just that 9pm shows are more memorable. I don't really know if one is more memorable than the other, though. It's really based upon the fact that almost all of my improv association friends will reference the 9pm show on their Facebook status updates.

Speaking of Facebook status updates, I want to type here one I had today. This is based upon my theatre background:
"David is imagining a tale of Armageddon in which the 3rd antichrist (as predicted by Nostradomus) will step onto a stage in a crowded theater and shout "MacBETH IS ON FIRE!" bringing about the end of days. Hey, as a theater person, it's just as plausable as any other "end of the world" scinario."
See, a theatre person would say that saying MacBeth on stage and not performing it is bad luck. Yelling FIRE in a crowded theatre is a no-no. Comebine both and have them said by the third antichrist and you've got Armageddon on your hands.

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