Sunday, August 29, 2010


I've been working on the PowerPoint at the Roving Imp for about a couple of months now. But there is a picture on one of the slides that has never really impacted me until tonight. The picture has 6 members of the Roving Imps (they now go by R I Spectacular) playing what looks like the warm-up of "Where have your fingers been?" This picture was taken a little more than 2 years ago because the people who are in it are the main people who were in the group when I started taking classes. It's now 2 years later and there are only 2 of those members left. I won't go into what I've heard about the reasons why some drop out. I'll just say what I know for sure and the most recent 2 that have left were Nifer who moved to Chicago and Patrick who is spending time...along with a KU. And the first 2 that left, I'm not going to go into. But it's now down to just John and Julie...who had been there since the Imp opened. We do have Justin, Chante', Ashley, Hannah (who will be leaving soon), and myself currently who are members of R I Spectacular. The picture has the main people from when I started hanging out there 2 years ago. It's just something I am forced, by who I am, to be effected by.

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