Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Okay, well, this is August and I haven't really given an overview of the month of July yet. So here it goes:
1) Forth of July, we started the watching of Star Trek Enterprise (season 1 so technically just ENTERPRISE) at the Roving Imp Theater.
2) Finished reading the Harry Potter series. I had started The Deathly Hallows June 30th and was finished reading it by the 6th or 7th of July.
3) Had the last Dimensional Rift show I will be in. It's not the last D.R. but John is switching things up. But I did make it into R. I. Spectacular! Yea!
4) I finally got my friend from StitchTactics to come see my show on the 31st. I almost didn't get her because she's moving to New York in less than a month.
5) I got my oil changed in the car.
6) I got my book choice read...Hitchhicker's Guide To The Galaxy...on read out loud Wednesday.
7) I finished the album overview for Warren Zevon's Mr. Bad Example.
8) I started giving Steve a ride from his place to the theater due to the fact that his car has been in the shop and the actual owner hasn't been taking care of it.
9) I saw the Vagina Monologues at the Barn Players. Denise, that's John's wife, was in it and invited us all to see it.

I can't remember much else, so I'll leave it at that.

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