Thursday, January 28, 2010


I hate statistics. I hate being made one and I hate when I wind up turning a friend into one.
Here is a statistic: Bill Clapperton has an 45% chance of getting killed in a 5 car pile up accident. This statistic would be based upon the idea that the 5 car pile up just so happens to be in his path on the way home. But he drives in a 4 lane highway. He may miss it completely making it a 4 car pile up...he may be involved but not seriously hurt. He may have taken a different way home. The chances are very slim that his is one of the 5 cars in the pile up. He could still be in it though.
I think the fact of the matter is that statistics like that give a cold discription. Here's another one. So many number (I haven't look it up, I just know a number exist and it changes every year) of marriages end in divorace. If you're married, it's a good chance that your marriage is one that will. Or it won't.
In the end, a statistic is just a number that stands for a possability or a probability. The final outcome isn't based on numbers. It's based upon what the person does and what others do. And that's why I hate statistics.

1 comment:

Chris Hurt said...

I don't blame you for hating on statistics, but at least you are hating on the standard, normal curve.