Saturday, January 16, 2010

Werewolves of Berlin

So, I've started reading this book called the Mammoth Book of Wolf Men. It's an anthology of short stories all about Werewolves. The first story, which I haven't gotten a chance to finish yet...mostly because I'm a slow called Twilight At The Towers. The basic concept is that, during the Cold War, werewolves were used by the USSR and the Western World. But it takes place in was in the 1980s and I'm not sure which side of the wall it's on...but I assume West Berlin because the main charicter was from U.K.
Anyway, I've had with me to read today but I left it in the car so I won't get to finish it.
But in relation to books and reading, I'm loaning one of my favorite books that I've ever read, The Accidental Time Machine by Joe Haldeman, to Nifer. She's reading a book (well, 3-4 books now) a month as part of a New Year's Resolution. I don't know if she'll like it or not. But it was one of few books that I could not put down at all. And that's saying a lot. So naturally, I want to share it. I'll be loaning it to her tomorrow when I go to my Saturday afternoon workshop.
Speaking breafly of Improv, we had a 92 Monsters rehearsal Thursday night. It went pretty well. That, unfortunately, doesn't say much because anything could be better than our last show. The problem with our last show back in November, from what John said, was a lack of listening mostly. Unfortunately, we weren't able to watch any of it to mention specifics.
Anyway, the Improv Jam is tonight at 9pm!

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