Thursday, January 14, 2010

Saturday! Wow!

Okay, so apparently, I haven't updated this blog since very early Saturday morning. News to me. I could have sworn I had since then. Okay, well, Tuesday, I saw the doctor because of my sinuses...again. And he gave me some antibiotics...again. Anyway, antibiotics mess with my eating schedule. I think I actually had an alergic reaction to something I ate this morning. But it could have just been my imagination because everything was fine after about 15 minutes. What was weird was that I was watching STAR TREK...the new one...and imagining my hands swelling up like James Kirk did in the movie. They didn't. But I pictured it happening.
Also, speaking of allergies, the doctor told me to go back onto Alegra-D. This required a perscription refill which had to be authorized...and the doctor wasn't in his office today.
Also, I've got some books I want to start reading. My resolution for New Years was to read...and finish 3 books this year. Some of those 3 would be ones that I've already started...for example, I want to finish I'LL SLEEP WHEN I'M DEAD: THE DIRTY LIVES AND TIMES OF WARREN ZEVON. I also have a book that is a prequel to Terminator Salvation that I want to read...I also want to finish the Cronicles of Narnia and start reading the complete Hitchhicker's Guide To The Galaxy. Oh, and this Wolf Men book I got from Barns & Nobels late last month. Oh well, we'll see what I actually do.

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