Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Gun

So, I found out through Facebook...
By the way, I'll have a Chicago update later.
...that there was a gun found on the KU campus. Because of this, there was a lock down in one of the dorms.
By the way, I don't go to KU anymore and when I did, I never stayed in the dorms. I never even set foot in the dorms.
Anyway, I found it ironic that they made a big hoopla over finding a gun on campus after everyone made a big deal about wanting people to have the right to carry guns on the KU campus. Then, all of a sudden, when someone does have a gun, everyone is like "OH MY GOSH! A GUN! RUN FOR THE HILLS; BECAUSE THIS IS LAWRENCE, KANSAS AND THERE ARE PLENTY OF HILLS TO RUN TO!"
Now, I'm not pro-gun in the slightest. But seriously, they should really make up their minds if they're going to allow guns on campus or not.

1 comment:

Chris Hurt said...

David, you have an interesting point of view, but I think the issue is more complex.