Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Artist and Death

By the way, one of these days, I WILL have an update about Chicago. I promise.

Now, tonight, after playing The Office edition of CLUE, I was talking with Nifer who was working on a drawing that she wasn't exactly pleased with. I told her that she could hide it away to be found after she died and then it would be worth millions.
This was not a reflection on her drawing but rather a reflection on the worth a person has...especially if they are an artist...after they have already passed away. That would seem to be how it works.
Anyway, artist, good or bad, always have work that they would have rather just destroied. Even after their death, those are something that become highly treasured. Look at what a VanGough would go for when he was alive and then after he had died...
By the way, I started this post out to say something philosophical. Looks like I failed. Oh well.


Chris Hurt said...

Apparently the use of the Wacom® tablet and stylus by Nifer may be kaput. Auf Deustch hat kaputt zwei. In German kaput has two ts.

David said...

You mean because she's drawing on actual paper and not using the computer hook up?
She said something about it being too bulky or clunky to carry around.

Nifer said...

I never said and analog are just two completely different art forms. They both have strengths and weaknesses.

David said...

Nifer, maybe I didn't hear or remember what you said correctly. But I thought I remembered asking you about it and I thought you said something about carrying it back and forth between the theater and your apartment was awkward.
I'm refering to the device, not the art form. I am sorry if this is wrong and slanderous.
Also, I got mixed up with Chris using German.