Monday, November 16, 2009

Thursday - weekend...yeah

So, I haven't updated since EARLY Thursday morning. So let me give a brief run down on what's happened since then...

After I got up I had breakfast. While eating breakfast, I got a call from my church asking me to come in that day or Friday to change the sign. I just simply decided to take care of it Thrusday afternoon since I was taking care of everything Thursday. So I went to church and changed the sign. (By the way, this is the "old style" sign...a glass case still has to be unlocked to changed the sign with individual letters...not the digital type in like some more high tech churches have). It was extreamely windy Thursday afternoon and the case is propped open with a pvc pipe that is really too thin to hold it up when it's that windy. For one side of the sign, I had to prop it up with my back. But all in all, it took aproximately an hour to change and put the old letters back in the cubbies they're kept in when not in use. Then, I headed out to Lawrence. I made sure I'd be able to walk in December with the Summer and Winter graduates from KU. Then I went to get my cap, gown, tassle, and announcements...for just over $48.00. It's like KU's way of getting the last butt kick of cash out of me. Anyway, I left there and headed to Bonner for 92 Monsters and Red Rubber Ball rehearsal. Then after raising a blue streak because of traffic at 5:15, road construction and a train, I made it to rehearsal with about 4 minutes to spare. Anyway, 92 Monsters and Red Rubber Ball were the shows at the Roving Imp Friday night. I was in 92 Monsters and boothed for Red Rubber Ball. At the end of rehearsal, we played Lunch Money...remind me to do a blog about that game sometime...
After I got up, I took my grandma to breakfast. Then after getting home, I watched Thursday's The Office on I think it was one of the shining moments for the season so far...even though some of my fellow Office watching friends think it totally sucks this season...I could do a blog about that too but I really want to get on with this. Anyway, I got ready and headed to the Roving Imp to perform in 92 Monsters. We did Ellen DeGenerous. I feel that I was able to succed in 1 goal which was to play a high energy character. Unfortuantely, the character I had wasn't a strong character...just very energetic. Anyway, that was the first half. The second half of 92 Monsters, took place in a cartoon world and we learned a lot about the personal life of Elmer Fudd. I was able to call out a funny line when my scene partner attempted to be Buggs Bunny with a "carrot" in his mouth, I told him to take the spoon out of his mouth (this succeded in a laugh because the audience expected it to be a carrot too). Unfortunately, I don't remember much else about my role other than that my scene partner and I were members of a city councel who couldn't agree on anything...oh, and we had a running gagg with the "spoon" where he would smack me on the forehead with it. Anyway, for Red Rubber Ball, I went back to the booth and hooked up someone's iPod to the speaker system. But for some reason, it didn't want to interface with the computer (it was in a rubber casing and the chord seemed to not go in all the way...that's one possable reason). Anyway, John came back and had me hook it up to the Imp's computer library got worked into the scene as Billy Joel was killed. Second half was smoother. They did a Plus Ronde and I was able to pull the lights and have it end with Julie and Nifer...who had started the show...only this time, their situations were reverse. And that was Friday night. We entered into the early hours of Saturday morning hanging out and talking.
I got up, ate breakfast, showered, and headed to the Imp for the Saturday afternoon workshop. We had a very small class that day. It was just myself, Nifer, Julie, Steve, and Justin. Joey was their for the first half of rehearsal with his new girlfriend. But they left at before we started working on the long form. I can't remember if anything really stood out in my performance in class but I do know that I want to work a lot with accents. Maybe tomorrow night/morning, I'll have a blog about accents. Anyway, after class, I came home and got ready to go back out to the Imp to see Dial-A-Show and for the Improv Jam. It was packed...but that's nothing new for Jam nights. I got to be in 3 games during the Jam. One was 3 Simple Rules. The rules were 1)No using a words that started with the letter S, 2)An impersonation of Paris Hilton (to keep this blog family friendly, I won't mention any lines), and 3)hunch-back. The other game I was in was Sports caster. I was participating in the sporting event of vaccume cleaning. There is really no other way around saying it but I truely feel like I sucked at that...I did okay...I had done that a few times back when I was in Survivor and it worked out well, but of everything I was involved with, that was the game I wish I could have not been in...but I'm not used to 3 contestants. But whatever...the other one was "I like my woman (or I like my men) like I like my _______." I personally felt like I was on fire in that one. Anyway, after the Jam, a few of us headed over to the house of the family that got everyone to come to the Jam and we hung around and talked. Anyway, future results of some of the things I talked about may show up here in the future.
Got to church late usual. Came home, then took my grandma...but she came back with my mom while I came home and napped. Then, I got up late from my get some lunch and head out to Bonner for Nifer's improv class. I do have one high light I want to mention. I did attempt in pulling off a Russian accent. It wasn't executed great...but did come across as central-to-Eastern European. I call this not on the nose...but on the face. Anyway, I felt good about it (except that I decided to attempt it in a scene that wouldn't last longer than 1 minute...that's the only thing I'm not happy about it). I also attempted different physical stances...this needs work on I think it's harder because I don't exactly have a body that can comfortably do that and sustain a character. But we'll see how it works out.
Anyway, to me, it's still Sunday. But it's 6:20 Monday morning. So I'm going to bed.
(I just hope it doesn't snow today like they're predicting. I hate snow so much).

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