Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So, I watched the movie ICE AGE: DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS this evening. My mom had Red boxed it yesterday and watched it with my grandma while I was at my Monday night workshop. So I watched it tonight. What is it with the sequels to the "family friendly" movies that they have to dumb themselves down to the point where they're now meant for stupid 3 year olds who aren't going to get any smarter with the help of their parents. I know I pick weird things to diss on movies about. But I decided I couldn't really watch it anymore the moment that the main charicters go into the underground lair of all the dinosaurs who avoided the mass extinction from 65 million years ago from (or in relation to) the huge asteroid that crashed into the Yucotan Paninsala probably by hiding in a cave that led to a lava dome that preserved their species...okay, maybe I should just choose that as the reason not to watch it in the first place...but there wasw an Ankliosaurs that right away tried to attack the main charicters so that he could eat them like the carnavore that he was...when ankliosaurs was not a carnavore. If he was, he wouldn't have been made with armor on his back but with weapons on his feet...
I know what you're saying: David, you're arguing about a kiddie movie being wrong.
First of all, it's not a "kiddie movie" it's a "family movie." If it were a kiddie movie it would be G instead of PG...of course, this is why I don't like a lot of PG movies because they just dumb everything down...more often than not, a kid or a dog saves the day by kicking or byting the bad guy in the butt or the frontal region. People are complaining that America becoming dumbed down and the truth is that we're making them that way from a young age.
By the way, back in my day (look at me talk like a grumpy old person), children knew the difference between what dinosaurs ate meat and what ate plants. Granted I always called the T-Rex a carnival instead of a carnivore...but still...actually, I at one point wanted to be a palentologist. But that's besides the point.
Anyway, in other news, I'm planning on going to Sumner Academy this Friday evening to see Joseph And The Amazing Technocolored Dreamcoat. Shannon from the Roving Imp sent out invites and that was always one of my favorite musicals when I was younger. But I went out to see if I could find the place and my cell phone was on navigator and was telling me to turn right where there wasn't a all...just a small sidewalk. So yeah, I don't know how to get there...but I guess I should look when it's light out.

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