Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Album cover

I found out from Chris Hurt's blog update from last Wednesday about this thing involving making an album complete with band name, 1st album, and album cover. First of all, you need to go to Wikopedia and go to random artical. At the random artical, I was given Hiroyuki Hamada. I have no idea who this is really. But right away, Wikapedia gave me this information about him...
Hiroyuki Hamada was Born in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima on October 29, 1925. He was the founder of Nihon Koden Shindo Ryu Karatedo and master of Felton Messina.
This was the name of the band. I was then supposed to go to a random quotes page and go to the last random quote it gives me. From that quote, I was supposed to take the last 4 or 5 words. (I cheated a little bit and went with 6 so it would make sense). The words put together were
I happen to be a quack.
This was the title to my first album. Then I was supposed to go to flicker and get the 3rd photo (no matter what) from the last seven days. The one I found had a hold on it so I had to "print screen" it and take it to Paint before I could do anything with it. For this reason, I will not be posting the picture by itself. I will, however, post the final project that I got between PowerPoint and Paint.

1 comment:

Chris Hurt said...

Dude, that is awesome!
And thank you for the most honorable mention.