Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Trivia Woes

Well, more like Trivia name woes. I tend to keep loosing in Trivia on Tuesday nights and somehow, my team name falls into that. My first week doing it, I was Romulan Ale...this is an illegal drink in the Federation of the Star Trek...but they somehow still get away with serving this blue colored beverage anyway. (By the way, do I need to mention that I am a huge nerd. If you've been reading this blog, you would think I was at least something like that). Anyway, as each week went, my total would go up some...but that was like 14 to 16. This started the second or third Tuesday of January at the Roving Imp, by the way.
Finally, on February 9th, I changed my name to Werewolf of London. One reason for this name is because I'm a huge fan of Warren Zevon (which you would also know about me if you've read my blogs) and I was totally psyched about the new Wolfman movie coming out that Friday on February 12th. I instantly doubled my score from the previous adding 14 to 16 and somewhere around that answer was my score.
I kept the Werewolf theme the following week but that week, we had enough people to double up and I was teamed with Nifer. We combined her team name (Mother F**kin' Lyers) with my team name (Werewolf of London) to become The Mother F**kin' Werewolves of London. My score went up. But as it turned out, my strongest thing I brought to the table was stratagy.
The following week, I was teamed with Nifer again but we became the Lisa Turtle's Magical Mystery Experience. Combined, we made a score to about 51 or so. I can't really remember. I just know it's higher than I've ever gotten on my own.
The following week, we only had 4 people so we went back to 1 person teams and I went back to the Werewolf of London concept but combined it with LOL to make it WoL. I can't remember how I did. But it was okay...I do know that I did better that time on my own than the previous times I was on my own.
I guess I wasn't in my game tonight. I couldn't even get a team name. I started out with Squishy Pants for a team name. By the way, there were just 3 or us: Chris, Nifer, and myself. I have no idea where Squishy Pants came from and now that I think of it, I think it was a suggestion I had gave for a super hero name in the improv game of Superheros. But I don't remember. I finally came up with The Big Mac Avenger. I really hate McDonald's so I thought it would be a name to strike fear. Well, I still didn't get beyond something like 25 points or so. Oh well, there's always next week.

By the way, this was my first time working with links.

1 comment:

Chris Hurt said...

Awesome linkage! Making links is one of my favorite things to do in a blog post, and part of the reason that my blog posts take so long to complete. Although I tend to take a long time to compose regardless.
I sorry for your luck with team names :(