Friday, March 5, 2010


Okay, I'm going to attempt to get back to basics. I didn't update much last month. But I will update more during the month of March. First off, let me just say that I'm about to finish a book. It will be the first book that I started and finish during the year 2010. It's THE SECOND CITY ALMANAC OF IMPROVISATION. Nifer loaned it to me back in January. It's only about 175 +or- pages. But I'm really slow at reading. But I've got like 7 pages left. Once I do that, I'm going to write a blog on some notes I chose to take over it. Also, I've started reading the Shirlock Holmes novel THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES.
Good news, I looked at the book and I spelled "Baskervilles" correctly. I should get a freakin' cookie or something.
Also last month, I saw the movie The Wolf Man. I want to write a review of it but I'm not really that great at writing reviews. Put it like this. I really enjoied it...except for some flying guts and heads...which I guess they had to put in for modern audiences.
Anyway, I've got 2 videos from Biblioclast shows. One is a quick scene from June that used the magnetic poetry board. The other is the first 2 scenes of the Duck Soup one from last month. I'm going to attempt to transcribe them. The reason I chose to do this was based upon the fact that, having taken Playwriting I, I have an idea on how to write up a script...even if it's not my own original. Also, for the credit. Also, and this is really the most important reason for choosing to do so, I really want to.
Also, I just wanted to say that I saw an opera last month at the University of Kansas. The name of the show escaped me but Jenifer Harmon was the stage manager. Chris Hurt and I headed out there to see it and we were going to meet up with 2 others who wound up not being able to get it because it was sold out. But the opera was actually enjoiable. I decided that if I had to based my opinion of operas solely off of that, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing one again. It was a little hard to follow, though, even though it was in English. Vocal quality and music out did one another and sometimes, the music won out over the voices. Still, I was able to get the basic concept of what was going on.

This seems to be a decent update for now.

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