Saturday, March 6, 2010

Epic Fail!

So, I was going to type out the notes that I took from the book Nifer loaned me on the Second City Improvasational Almanac. But instead, I got a little distracted by the fact that my car got "raped" in Bonner last night. And by "raped," I mean that some (a few) a-hole(s) went around Bonner Springs and did damage like what happened to my car which was my back window got smashed in. I didn't even know about it until the police officer who came to investigate came looking for the owner of the car. I didn't even know there was a police officer looking at my car until Nifer came back to the Imp from the bar next door and told me that there was a cop who was scoping, or something, my car. When I went outside, I didn't know what to expect. The first thought was that there was something wrong with the way that I was's parralel parking in Bonner Springs for any good spots and, to be honest, I never really learned how to parralel park until I started going to Bonner Springs on a regular basis. So that was the first thought in my head. Secound thought was that a lot of cars that parralel park outside of the Roving Imp usually get ticketed or something simply because it's next door to Kobi's...the bar...and cars get profiled (which I meant to say when I said ticketed). Good news is that there was nothing that I was at fault for. The bad news was what you can see in the picture. Someone took something (There was no evidence of a rock, no evidence of getting shot with bullets because none of that was found in the car) and smashed in the back window. By the way, nothing was taken out of the car. The back seat was still a plus the window mess. Nothing was taken out of the front seats...not even a Warren Zevon CD that was up there...or any medicine bottles that were up there...which were empty but I sometimes take with me to keep medicine in but have no place to put after I use them. So I just left them in my car.
Anyway, the police officer told me that they had got a lot of calls involving this...My car was 1 of 4 or something like that. This was late last night...around least when the cop was there. I don't know when it happened. It would have been sometime between 7pm and 11:50pm. The picture was taken from my phone around 12:01pm which was after the cop left.
This was a Friday night which means I wouldn't be able to get to the insurance office until Monday. But I found out this morning after waking up (which I was fortunately able to get some sleep) that I could file a claim on line. The only problem was that I didn't know who was at fault. So when I said I wasn't at fault, I was asked for the name of the person and I had to say Don't Know. When asked for any extra information, I had to say Back Window smashed in Bonner. That sounds kind of ignorant but that was all I know. The police officer didn't even give me any information, he just took information down. Fortunately, I do still have ride plans to get to least today.

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