Friday, April 1, 2011

AF1 - April Fools Day

Good evening. All day today jokes went far and wide around the world. And you were probably laughing at something that was deemed totally frickin' hillarious. "Freakin' Hillarious." That phrase just isn't gramatically correct in the English language. We really don't care though because it's a holiday. We will be united in the bonds of laughter. Perhaps it's fate that today is the First of April, and you will once again be fighting for our laughter... Not from knock-knock jokes, fart jokes, or bad puns... but for your health. We are laughing for our high cholestoral and fat content. To belly laugh. And should we laugh beyond today, April Fools will no longer be known as a jerk-off's holday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "My gosh, that was really funny!" My belly will shake like a bowl full of Jelly! We're going to laugh on! We're going to L-O-L! Today we celebrate our April Fools Day!

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