Friday, March 4, 2011

Film major

For a very brief time while I was at KU, I was a film major. This was during the Spring of 2006 and was set up at accident. Between Fall '05 and Spring '06, I was kicked out of the school of Journalism. This was fine for me because I had discovered that I had no business being in Journalism and, with the exception of the fact that I was undecided once again, was more than happy to no longer be in Journalism. But I HAD to say something in order to stay at KU. So I said English (to go into Creative Writing) but due to an interest that I had in it, I also said to be put down for film. Of course, the following semester, I was only in 2 classes. Fiction Writing I and Intermediate Spanish I. So by the end of the Spring semester, I was full time English major...I felt I had found my calling with Fiction Writing. But as it turned out, I was labeled as ONLY a film major. So there was more involved than just saying I wasn't a film major anymore. I had to go through, dorp one and add the other. I can't remember the exact details anymore (being 5 years now) but I do remember it was awkward.
Looking back, I wish that I had at least minored in film. I always enjoied making films. In fact, when I was in my journalism and broadcasting courses, it was always my film work that I got my highest marks on. Even though I got kicked out of the the school of Journalism, the 2-person group project that I did in class with my partner wound up being the one that got showed to the entire class that represented our lab (we had one miniture auditoriam class and about 7 or 8 mini group labs).
So, looking back, I kind of wish I had at least minored in film. I probably would have if I had some idea how the whole minors thing worked. I could have probably even survived film homework along with English homework because film work always came that naturally to me...except for one thing. I've never really been exceptional with a camera. It's always been in editing that I've always been any good. For the most part, I absolutely love editing...the only thing I don't enjoy about editing is when movie maker freezes up on me as it would do whenever I'd make thos Warren Zevon videos or the ad I made for the Tiny Group Fest. But I would have probably been able to use a different editing equipment.
Anyway, when it comes down to it, I wanted to briefly talk about the fact that I was a film major for about 4.5 months or so (out of 4 years at KU and 7 total years in college). And looking back, I think it would not have hurt to (and in fact, I wish that I had) at least minored in film.

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