Saturday, September 10, 2011

One Of Us...Coming very soon

My friend Hannah The Mott has been over seas in a place called Poole, England. For her, it has also been called school. After graduating from KU and dabbling some with improv at the Roving Imp, she headed off to get her Masters in film. With her year being up, it's time to work on her master project: a web series called One Of Us.

Hannah is the director, producer, co-writer and basically the brains behind One Of Us. Mike Histon is also the assistant director and Co-writer of the series. The story is about a girl from the Midwest who, board from the Midwest, decides to move to England. But why read my boring words when you can get the lowdown from them personally...

If you are not interested yet, you may just be not quite right in the head. If you are intrigued, then all you need to do, come September 14th, is head over to the website of Watch One Of Us.

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