Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Year's Resolution Complete!

I have sucessfully started and ended 3 books this year on my own. The first was the Second City Almanac of Improvasation that Nifer loaned me back in late January.

By the way, before I go any further, let me just say that Nifer got accepted to train at the Second City Concervatory in Chicago. Congradulations to Nifer. This should be her party too...with all of these people from Chicago:

The second book was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets which I finished last week. The third one was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
I really liked Prisoner of Azkaban except for how depressing it was. Where the first 2 books kept me going based upon interest of what was going to happen next, this one kept me going because I knew there were 7 books altogether so I knew nothing was going to be so bad that books 4-7 would not have been writen. But wow! If I were Harry Potter, I probably would have attempted suicide or something. I found it to be that sad. I kept reading because I wanted to see things get better. I'm told it was the start of the dark ones. But it's hard to get all this information from the point of view of someone who is in their early teenaged years.
Anyway, I'm still chugging through. I've started on the 4th book which is The Goblet of Fire. This one is 734 pages long. And since I'm a slow reader, it will probably be a while before I'm there.
By the way, I think I'm turning into a Harry Potter nerd...

Now, I want to start reading some more before I go to bed.


David said...

The very first video on here was a street party held in Chicago after Obama won the election.
Since the Second City is in Chicago, and you can't really tell it's an Obama party except for a few signs, and it was the closest non-descript outdoor party video I could fine, I thought it fit the occasion.
"I was going for the EMOTION" -Me in my horrible over dramatic "I'm acting" voice.
P.S. It says Seatle but it told me Chicago on YouTube.

Chris Hurt said...

Konata says, “Good Job!”