Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Original song vs. Parody

Sometime ago, Katy Perry did a song called E. T. with Kanye West (for some reason).

Anyway, Barely Political did a parody to it:

Now here's the thing: I heard the song/watched the video for the parody first. This is actually common for me. I usually listen to classic rock songs and so to me, I'm finding these new songs because of the parodies. So I usually get it in reverse order. For example, I saw this video first:

Then, to figure out what the original song was like, I looked up:

I want to do a video of this song but unfortunately, I can't think of anything other than something Transformer movies related since Megan Fox is in the video and won't be in the 3rd one.

Yes, I am a dork and proud of it!

Okay, so some people take issue with parodies. I, quite frankly, love them when they are done right.

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